Friday 3rd May 2024

WNBS NEWS 1/20/2023


The Murray Independent School District announced yesterday Adam Seiber will fill the school board seat vacated by Gayle Rogers.  Rogers resigned from her seat on December 15th.  According to a news release, Seiber will begin his new duties February 9th.

Graves County residents can now sign up to receive automatic calls during emergencies.  Graves Fiscal Court and the Office of Emergency Management have invested in a system called Hyper Reach.  The system will warn residents by sending a text, voice call or email to alert you about emergencies.  To sign up and learn more information, go to the Graves County Sheriff’s Department’s Facebook page.

A new mail scam has hit Marshall County.  The Marshall County Sheriff’s Deparment says the scam involves residents receiving a check in the mail in which the sender requests you cash the check and return the proceeds.  Investigators say if the check is cashed, within a couple of days it will be discovered to be fraud and the full amount ot the check is charged back to your bank account.   Anyone who receives a check is asked to contact the Marshall County Sheriff’s office.

You may have noticed an uptick on gas prices around the area.  Triple A reports the average cost of regular unleaded this week is at three dollars per gallon.  That figure is up nine cents from last week and from the same time last year is up six cents per gallon.

Governor Beshear announced Thursday a sweeping plan to overcome staffing shortages in the state’s juvenile detention system.  Beshear announced increases in starting pay for detention center staff and in a major policy change “defensive equipment” will be provided for workers and others if they are attacked.
